EPISODI: 14 - Capadocia II


Set in a fictional Mexico City women's prison where corruption runs rampant, this series pits prisoners' rights attorney Teresa Lagos against corporate lackey Federico Marquez in battle for the heart and soul of the prison and its inmates.
HBO Latino's shocking original series that recreates the brutal reality of life behind bars in Capadocia, a fictional woman’s prison in Mexico City where two competing forces are battling it out to be in charge of the penitentiary. Prison-rights attorney Teresa Lagos (Dolores Heredia) fights for a humane rehabilitation program, while corporate shill Federico Marquez (Juan Manuel Bernal) schemes to privatize the prison and use the women as cheap manual labor. At the center of this struggle is Lorena (Ana de La Reguera), a young and beautiful housewife and mother of two children, who leads an ideal life - until a series of dark events put her behind bars. This impressive series examines the frightful similarities between life behind bars and freedom.




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