
Melrose Place: I Am Curious Melrose

Melrose Place (1994)

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EPISODI: 1 - I Am Curious Melrose


Michael survives the hit-and-run, but suffers from amnesia. Jane is released when she offers evidence that incriminates Sydney. Kimberly promises to serve as Syd's alibi, then refuses to cover for her and plants a blonde wig at her apartment. Sydney is arrested. Billy deduces from Mrs. Parker's strange comments that Mr. Parker molested his daughters, and goes to San Francisco in search of Alison. Mr. Parker comes inside the house and threatens Alison, but Meredith holds him at gunpoint. He escapes when Billy bursts through the door. Billy becomes angry when Alison agrees with Amanda's advice and decides to prosecute her father instead of going to Las Vegas to elope. Jake breaks up with Amanda and decides to spend time on his boat. He takes in a beautiful woman named Brittany, who had jumped overboard following an argument with her abusive husband.


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