
Intervention: Aaron & Andrea

Intervention (2009)

Dokumentar, Dramë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 8 - Aaron & Andrea


As a boy, Aaron Brink was subjected to his parents' divorce and custody battle. He lived with his father while his 2 brothers lived with their mother. Aaron began rebelling in his teens, experimenting with alcohol and other drugs and spending time in juvenile prison. In his 20s he began a successful career as a mixed martial arts fighter and also worked as a porn star. He was introduced to crystal meth through the porn industry and addiction quickly took over his life. His wife and family are at their wit's end and hope Aaron will accept treatment to save his life.

Andrea, a 29 year old mother of two from Milwaukee, grew up in a household strained by divorce and her father's alcoholism. Andrea married at 19 and had 2 children and seemed well on her way to happiness and stability, but turned to drink after her father died of the disease and is quickly following in her father's footsteps to an early grave. Andrea's mother, estranged husband and 2 children hope Andrea will accept treatment and return to being the wife and mother she was before she started drinking.


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