Final 24: River Phoenix

Final 24 (2006)

Dokumentar, Biografi, Krim, Dramë, Mister | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës, Kanada

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EPISODI: 3 - River Phoenix


After a tough day on set, Hollywood golden boy River Phoenix hits L.A's fashionable nightclub The Viper Room. He's looking forward to getting on stage and jamming with his friends. This is a moment he's been waiting for. When the plan changes, a disappointed Phoenix ingests a lethal cocktail of drugs, staggers outside and collapses on the sidewalk. Paramedics are unable to revive him and he dies shortly after. Be there as we recreate Phoenix's last day to tell the tragic tale of a young man whose short life was dominated by the constant pressure to perform.


Ska rishikime
  • Swamp Murders (2013)

    Cdo episod tregon vrasje dhe krime te kryera nga familje te respektuara dhe njerez te nderuar qe s' mendohej kurre se do te arrinin deri ne kete pike.

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