сезона: 1

епизода: 5 - Abgrundtief


In lake Bodensee a chained, 'waxen' teen girl corpse is found with Down-symptoms, identified as Marie Häusler, 15 years missing since she turned 18. Her mysterious disappearance haunted her father Manfred who, after her mother's suicide, married Marie's favorite home caregiver, Jasmin Häusler, whose brother, a retired cop, kept searching 'illegally' ever since. Bothersome Marie was far from popular, especially with crone Christine Ludwig, whose home she burnt down. Micha Oberländer is personally concerned, having lost a small son, and with partner Hannah Zeiler, who is inspired to revive the stuck search for her father, unearths dirty secrets in both family and home for mentally handicapped, including several crimes.


Murder by the LakeMurder by the LakeMurder by the LakeMurder by the LakeMurder by the LakeMurder by the LakeMurder by the Lake


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