
World's Greatest Journeys

World's Greatest Journeys (2019)

Документарец | Австралија
Режисер: Sorrell Wilby

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 7.0/10

This is a series for those who believe it is far better to travel than it is to arrive. Here we reveal the world's greatest journeys and adventures; the most spectacular scenic flights, road trips, river cruises, iconic drives, bike rides, multi-day treks and water-based adventures on the planet. Across the depth and breadth of the series, we explore the depth and breadth of the world, driving the South Island of New Zealand, flying over Rome and Las Vegas, cruising through France and Antarctica, trekking to Everest, skiing in the Rockies, swimming with whales, diving with sharks and more.

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