Nozomi Yumehara, an ordinary middle school student, finds a magical device called the Dream Collet in the school's library and meets Coco, a creature from the world of Palmier Kingdom. Nozomi decides to help restore his world which has been destroyed by an evil organization known as Nightmare by collecting the 55 Pinkies in the Dream Collet, which is able to make any wish come true. By making the decision to help Coco, she proves she has the heart to be a legendary warrior Pretty Cure and is given a Pinky Catch. The Pinky Catch lets her transform into Cure Dream. However, Nozomi cannot fight the Nightmares alone; she must choose a team of four other students to become Pretty Cure along with her. Together with Cure Rouge, Cure Lemonade, Cure Mint, and Cure Aqua, they become Pretty Cure 5.

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