
Killer Vacation

Killer Vacation (2018)

Режисер: Tamar Halpern

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 5.2/10
Оценка на корисникот: 4/10


Successful businessman Jake takes his pregnant girlfriend Lindsey on a babymoon trip to an upscale desert resort. When they get there, Lindsey discovers that Jake's meddlesome soon to be ex-wife, Gwen is there too. In a dream vacation gone wrong, it becomes apparent that someone is determined that Lindsey will never use her return ticket.


Прегледано од hymie
понеделник, 12 јуни 2023 14:16
For months, Jake and Lindsey have been having an affair. Jake tells Lindsey he would leave his wife Gwen but he would be fired for divorcing the boss’s daughter. Lindsey has never seen herself as a homewrecker and is sick of having her relationship kept a secret.

All that changes when Lindsey confronts Jake with their pregnancy. Jake finally decides to leave Gwen and surprises Lindsey by taking her on a Baby-moon. All is well until Lindsey takes a tumble down a hill. An angry ranger... (Повеќе)
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