сезона: 1

епизода: 4 - Der Tod wirft lange Schatten


At an exchange of documents for cash, a fire-fight ensues in which Michele Giustina accidentally kills his brother Paolo, making him the only heir of grandfather Salvio Giustina, a mysterious crime baron. The papers are snatched away by deaf-mute Russian street beggar Irina, who ends up offering the to just-retired coroner Galvano, who keeps it from the police hoping to write the book a murder prevented, exposing Salvio's fortune started by denouncing Jews to the Nazis for spoils. Commissario Laurenti gets no cooperation from his superiors, who give priority to another case and the secret police warns him against spying on Drakic's arms deals, ignoring his female goon fought the Giustina brothers and is after he documents again.


Commissario LaurentiCommissario LaurentiCommissario LaurentiCommissario LaurentiCommissario LaurentiCommissario LaurentiCommissario LaurentiCommissario LaurentiCommissario LaurentiCommissario LaurentiCommissario LaurentiCommissario LaurentiCommissario LaurentiCommissario LaurentiCommissario LaurentiCommissario LaurentiCommissario Laurenti


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