
Life in the Snow

Life in the Snow (2016)

Документарец, Семеен | Обединетото Кралство
Режисер: Sally Thomson, Mark Wheeler

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 7.4/10


Gordon Buchanan goes in search of animals that live in snowy conditions and have adapted to survive in cold weather. The programme features polar bears raising their cubs, owls keeping their supplies of food hidden under a layer of snow, penguins that huddle together for warmth, and wolverines and ravens working alongside each other to find food. He also takes a look at the lives of animals associated with Christmas, including robins and reindeer, revealing the truth behind the story of Rudolph's red nose.

Продуцент: Lucinda Axelsson, Holly Spearing
времетраење: 60 мин


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