
Alles was recht ist – Väter, Töchter, Söhne

Alles was recht ist – Väter, Töchter, Söhne (2011)

Комедија, Драма | Германија
Режисер: Christoph Schrewe

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 5.5/10


Two fathers are fighting for a child: Franz Bergen, head of a church choir, wants to fight the right of access to the young son of the pub René Dörfler. At first, Judge Lena Kalbach does not allow the lawsuit - until it turns out that Bergen, as a sperm donor, is the biological father of the child. A delicate case for which Lena has to find a solution with great tact. But she is also personally affected by the issue of fatherhood: Her adult daughter Nike finally wants to know who her father is. In the third part of the popular TV series, Michaela May again plays the smart judge Lena Kalbach.


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