
I'm a Zombie, You're a Zombie, She's a Zombie

Io zombo, tu zombi, lei zomba (1979)

Комедија, Xорор | Италија
Режисер: Nello Rossati

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 4.6/10


An under-taker (Renzo Montagnini) unintentionally raises three accident victims from the dead while reading out-loud from a zombie pulp novel. He dies of a heart attack, but the zombies then turn around raise HIM with the same book, and the the four of them shamble off looking for food. After unsuccessfully trying to prey on passing motorists, they end up at an inn owned by the aunt of one of the men. After accidentally giving her a heart attack, they take over the inn and try dine on the guests, but their plans go hilariously awry as the movie turns into a parody of "Night of the Living Dead", its sequel (and Italian co-production) "Dawn of the Dead", as well as such classics as "Dead of Night" and even "The Wizard of Oz"


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