
The night in which really nobody had any sex

Die Nacht, in der ganz ehrlich überhaupt niemand Sex hatte (2002)

Pоманса, Комедија | Германија
Режисер: Christoph Schrewe

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 5.9/10


At the party, her friend Sabine Andrea suddenly stands before her former boyfriend Eric . Again, the spark ignites . Until Eric told his old flame , which he now earns his money : He founded an agency that mediates the alibis of adulterers . Andrea is appalled . To still have a chance with her , Eric leaves a on a bet : If Sabines flagship husband student Doris resists , he gives to the agency . If Uwe however weak, Andrea has with her ex to love holiday on an island . In the end everything turns out differently...


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