
Tosun Pasha

Tosun Paşa (1976)

Режисер: Kartal Tibet

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 8.9/10
Оценка на корисникот: 3/10


Late 19th century in Alexandria. Two traditionally rival Turkish families, "Seferoglu"s and "Tellioglu"s are competing for the "Green Valley". The winner will be determined by Daver Bey, who has a beautiful young daughter, Leyla. Both families try to arrange a marriage between a man from their family and Leyla, so that Daver Bey will be inclined to give the green valley to his "relatives". Tellioglus, who are behind in the race, desperately find a final solution: They will fake their idiotic butler, Saban, as the highest ranked Ottoman soldier in Egypt: Tosun Pasha.


Tosun Pasha


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