
Rendez-vous avec le crime

Rendez-vous avec le Crime (2022)

Криминал, Трилер | Франција
Режисер: Méliane Marcaggi

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 5.6/10


Undercover cop Samson Brion is home again, deep in the heart of Brittany fifteen years after leaving it behind. But nobody is happy to see him back, least of all Lila, an impetuous local entrepreneur who's trying to keep her online dating agency from bankruptcy by subletting the ground floor of her business. When she finds out her new tenant is none other than Samson (who used to be best friends with her now dead brother) she is furious. That is, until a series of suspicious deaths strikes the quiet village, and she discovers all the victims happened to be clients of her agency. Suddenly, the presence of a cop under her roof seems like a blessing. As for Samson, helping Lila shed light on these killings threatening her agency could be a chance to bury the hatchet she's been holding over his head since he's come home.


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