
Anna M.

Anna M. (2007)

Драма | Франција
Режисер: Michel Spinosa

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 6.7/10


This painstakingly detailed psychological drama from French director Michel Spinosa was inspired by a collection of case studies about erotomania - the delusion that someone is in love with you. Isabelle Carré (Private Fears in Public Places) plays Anna, a shy woman with a boring job who becomes enthralled by her doctor (Gilbert Melki) after a suicide attempt. As her obsession increases, she decides that his marriage is a sham and she is his rightful wife. What started as a crush then descends into tragedy. Carré carries the film and Melki is exceptional as the distant object of her affection. But the languid pace and over-meticulous treatment of the topic mean the movie is lacking as either entertainment or education. Spinosa's dry, careful approach flattens out the simmering hysteria, and the result is a leaden film with few profound insights.


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