
The Best Families

Las mejores familias (2020)

Драма, Комедија | Колумбија, Перу
Режисер: Javier Fuentes-Leon

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рејтинг: 6.4/10


Luzmila and Peta are two sisters who come from a modest environment and work as housemaids for Alicia and Carmen, two aristocratic ladies of Peru. They are almost considered a part of the families or, at least, that’s what it seems… But one day, as the city is taken over by violent protests, a birthday celebration gathers all the members of both families together. A long-held secret involving both households — upstairs and downstairs — is suddenly revealed, blowing up the bubble of their perfect aristocratic world forever.


The Best FamiliesThe Best FamiliesThe Best FamiliesThe Best FamiliesThe Best FamiliesThe Best Families


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