• Kosti (2020)

    The plot follows the lives of two people who, at first glance, are connected only by their name - Kosta. First one, refugee from Krajina, is trying to survive,...
  • Babylon Berlin (2017)

    A metropolis in turmoil. From economy to culture, politics to the underworld - everything is in the grip of radical change. Speculation and inflation are already...
  • Fargo (2014)

    The all new "true crime" case of Fargo's new chapter travels back to 1979 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and Luverne, Minnesota, where a young State Police Officer...
  • Narcos (2015)

    Narcos tells the true-life story of the growth and spread of cocaine drug cartels across the globe and attendant efforts of law enforcement to meet them head on...

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