
Ska rishikime
  • Liasons (2015)

    LIAISONS is a modern dramedy, telling the story of the affairs and relations within a family and beyond; the ongoing search for love and the various ways of...
  • Më duaj kështu si jam (2013)

    The story of Aysem and Ömer, who think that they will be able to take responsibility for their dreams, their love and each other, and to have difficulties...
  • 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter (2002)

    The Hennessy clan -- mother Cate, daughters Bridget and Kerry, and son Rory -- look to one another for guidance and support after the death of Paul, the family...
  • An Anatolian Tale (2020)

    Battling with limited resources, a wonderful invention made by Taner, who dreams of one day reuniting with his childhood love Dilek, and his two cousins pave the...

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