The highly talented chief inspector Marie Brand investigates with her pragmatic colleague Simmel. Together they bring heart and mind perfectly together and solve exciting murder cases in Cologne in this series.
The Just: Crime Unit is set in Wroclaw and follows a team of municipal police officers, each struggling with the burden of their past experiences, which have been...
Edhe pse nje ceshtje mbyllet nuk do te thote qe e verteta eshte zbuluar. Vrasje apo vetvrasje? Arratisje apo rrembim? Cdo episod ekzaminon raste krimesh per te...
Police Detective Derrick Levasseur and Forensic Psychologist Kris Mohandiewill apply their unique talents and investigatory skills as they re-examine original...
In Murder Loves Company we meet people gathered together in a unique shared world. One of these people will soon be murdered, but it is always a surprise who. One...
Each episode follows the case of an innocent woman who has been abducted, harmed or even murdered by someone on what was an otherwise average day in her life.
Contemporary Warsaw. A homeless alcoholic dies. Commissioner Monika Brzozowska, who leads the investigation, senses that there is more to the case than just a...
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