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Dramë | Bullgari

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  • Lot në Detin e Zi (2018)

    Nafes was forced to marry vedat who abused & tortured her,one day nefes takes her son & escapes in a car truck of one of her husband's partners who is called...
  • Borgen (2010)

    A political drama about a prime minister's rise to power, and how power changes a prime minister.
  • Red Roses (2006)

    Realistic presented love story surrounded by friendship, intrigue, laughter and tears, situated in the German city Lüneburg. Love stories of Petra and Nick...
  • The Usurper (2019)

    After learning of the existence of an identical twin sister, Paola Miranda, Mexico's First Lady, forces Paulina Doria, a poor Colombian worker, to assume her...

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