Rosamunde Pilcher: Quando il cuore si spezza

Rosamunde Pilcher: Wenn das Herz zerbricht (2010)

Dramë, Romancë | Austri, Gjermani

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Englishman Oliver Barnes's law firm career requires him to accept a post in New York. Oliver's boss actually expected him to be suitable because his independent fiancée, Jessica Marsh, is likely to follow or accept a long distance relationship. But she grew tired of life as an aging fashion model, and during a recent photo-shoot met estate heir and organ repair expert Max Ryman. Oliver proposes and Jessi accepts, but refuses t rush the ceremony at the registrar just to facilitate the international paperwork and gets a country wedding in Max's village church. When max sees Oliver, that rekindles a dark secret both have nightmares from. But first Jessica faces Oliver's other secret, when his PA arranges for Jessi to discover their affair.


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