Doki figures that to be a knight, all you had to do was joust. Gabi thinks there was more to it than that - but what did you have to do, to become a knight? To find out, they head to medieval festival in TEWKESBURY, ENGLAND! When they arrive, the King of the Festival isn’t so sure they’re ready to be noble knights - so he assigns them a story-quest to test their worth. As Doki, Oto and Gabi complete the challenges, Doki is slow to catch on to the idea that being a knight is about more than winning battles. But when a jousting contest goes wrong and Doki throws his own victory away to help Gabi, he finally discovers the true meaning of ‘chivalry’ - behaving with knightly honour.

When Oto shows Anabella a Chinese coin, she yearns to get her own ‘coin with a hole in it’, and wear it on a necklace. Doki is curious - why DO some coins have holes in them? To help Anabella get a similar coin, they fly to YAP, MICRONESIA, where they know the coins also have holes. But to get one of the valuable ‘rai’, they have to




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