EPISODI: 2 - Schatten der Vergangenheit?


In front of the dance school, Monika meets a slightly deranged-looking gentleman. He turns out to be Simon Crohn and claims that his family had owned the Galant Dance School until 1936. Monika's curiosity is piqued. Has the dance school perhaps not belonged to the Schöllacks for generations? In Caterina's bedroom, Monika secretly searches for evidence in order to find out the truth about her family history. As a matter of fact, she finds photos in her mother's closet that supports Crohn's accusation. In the meantime, Joachim Franck is wooing Monika again. Caterina pressures Monika to relent. But Monika's resistance towards her mother is growing, especially since Caterina is not as "clean" as she pretends to be. Monika accepts Freddy's offer to join him at the "rock 'n' roll" dance club "Mutter Brause". At the club, a completely new world opens up to her: flips, leather jackets, petticoats and American rock 'n' roll. Hordes of young people are dancing wildly on the dance floor. Monika starts feeling the vibe and the freedom that connects with this lifestyle.


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