
Rescue Me: Balls

Rescue Me (2005)

Dramë, Komedi | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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Vlerësimi: 8.3/10


EPISODI: 3 - Balls


Chief Reilly and Lou have trouble convincing the crew to take Tommy back into the firehouse, until a huge warehouse fire reveals a secret about Tommy's replacement, Sully. Tommy's dad returns from his trip around the world with a new wife and a brand new lifestyle. Franco and Laura take their friendship to a new level while Mike finds himself stalking his ex-girlfriend. Sheila can't bring herself to be honest with Tommy about the baby.


Rescue MeVatreni dečki 01Vatreni dečki 02Vatreni dečki 04Vatreni dečki 05Vatreni dečki 06Vatreni dečki 07Vatreni dečki 08Vatreni dečki 09Vatreni dečki 10Vatreni dečki 11Vatreni dečki 12Vatreni dečki 13Vatreni dečki 14Vatreni dečki 15


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