Series One and Two focuses on a group of British teens tries to grow up and learn about love and life with little adult supervision (And lots of PARTYING). Sid tries to be everyone's friend and usually ends up on the short end of the stick. He is mostly manipulated by best friend Tony, whose girlfriend Michelle he is in love with. Tony is one to try anything once, including every girl he meets. He manipulates not only Sid and Michelle but anyone else who will let him. Anwar is just looking to lose his virginity. Maxxie is along for the ride and dealing with his homosexuality. Cassie is in love with Sid but has some mental issues. The parents are trying to grow up too and the teachers are being their friends and lovers so they only have each other.


Nabrijani 01Nabrijani 02Nabrijani 03Nabrijani 04Nabrijani 05Nabrijani 06Nabrijani 07Nabrijani 08Nabrijani 09Nabrijani 10Nabrijani 11Nabrijani 12Nabrijani 13Nabrijani 14Nabrijani 15


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