
Barwy szczescia

Barwy szczescia (2024)

Драма, Pоманса | Полска
Режисер: Jarosław Banaszek

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епизода: 2956


The protagonists are the inhabitants of Zaciszna Street in Warsaw. Some of them have known each other for years, some have just moved to the "Pod Sosnami" estate. The younger ones look for their way, the older ones try to find themselves in the new reality. For many years, viewers have been following the fate of the Marczak, Pyrka, Grzelak, Górka Cieslak, Zwolenski and Walawski families. Worries, troubles, controversies, life problems, dramas - it all adds up to the reality of the series' characters. There are many difficult topics, such as the problem of social and racial tolerance, LGBT, infertility, domestic violence and mental diseases.


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