
Odyssey: Driving Around the World

Odyssey: Driving Around the World (2007)

Режисер: Adam Burgess

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рејтинг: 7.6/10

ODYSSEY: Driving Around the World takes the drama of everyday life and casts it on an exotic, global stage. But what happens when the stakes are not monetary and the only opponent is the unknown? Experience the true journey of 7 young professionals as they strike out on a grueling 15-month driving expedition around the world. You will discover the diversity of culture, geography while sharing the experience of life on foreign roads with a group of volunteers who dropped everything for the adventure of a lifetime. Departing from California the 7 adventurers begin their 66,000 km expedition around the world through 26 countries following the lines of longitude. Their highly equipped 4x4 Land Rovers take them to the far corners of the globe and it's there where they find their minds and spirits pushed to the limits. Despite some hardships they continue to explore and interact with the fascinating peoples, cultures and landscapes encountered during their global voyage. Four vehicles and 7 specialized and adventure-hungry crew-members lead you through dense tropical jungles, scorching deserts, and snow covered peaks of 26 different countries allowing for far more than just another travel show. Get ready for 13 episodes of unprecedented television adventure. Tensions run high in Panama when the team is stuck on the side of the road. Spend New Years Eve in Guayaquil, Ecuador where they explode effigies with the locals and run out of gas in the Atacama Desert in Chile. Dive the Great Barrier Reef in Cairns Australia. Be the first to cross Myanmar East to West in over 50 years and see the team get detained in India, deported from China and sent back into Pakistan. Meet the Dalai Lama at his Indian home in exile where he wishes the team luck on their journey. Shot with an eye for adventure and excitement, the show targets a curious and adventure-hungry audience.

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