
Hoe overleef ik?

Hoe overleef ik? (2011)

Драма, Семеен | Холандија
Режисер: Remy van Heugten, Ties Schenk

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 7.6/10

Rosa is a teenage girl who has to move to Groningen because her mother got a new boyfriend: Alexander. She feels like she doesn't fit in in the new school and she sees her life changing. The only thing what stays the same is her friends who she chats with over the Internet. The life of a teenager can be complicated. Rosa goes through a difficult time trying to explore her identity with a lot of creativity. The serie is inspired by a book serie: "hoe overleef ik..." By Francine Oomen.

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