

Borets (2021)

Драма, Cпорт | Руската Федерација
Режисер: Nurbek Egen

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The victories and medals that sambo wrestler Igor Davydov earned during his short sports life remained in the Soviet past. He no longer performs - he trains future champions. Friends call him simply Borisych. Once in the yard, Borisych notices a boy, Viktor Stroev, who clumsily tries to repulse the offenders. The coach takes Victor under his patronage, brings him to the section and convinces him that SAMBO is not a fight. Years pass. Borisych is still coaching. Not only young guys, but also the future world champion. Viktor Stroev, a pupil of Borisych, is now a rising star in MMA, the "Russian hammer," as his fans call him. Victor just had a series of matches at the World Championship without a single defeat. This is the start of a great career.

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