Zeynep, who worked under difficult conditions in Edremit and prepared for the university exam, finally became the fifth in Turkey and won the law department of the university of her choice. Zeynep, who dreams of moving to Istanbul with her mother to go to university, is unaware of the misfortune of her mother Gönül. While heart is leaving her daughter's life for her sake, Zeynep's fate will change with her father, who she thinks is dead. Bülent, a successful lawyer in Istanbul, has just learned that he has a 20-year-old daughter from his first love. However, he is married to Bülent Feraye and has two children named Melis and Yigit. Gönül's phone call from the police station will divide Bülent's life into two, causing him to be stuck between his family and his daughter Zeynep. Now Bülent has to make a choice without giving up on his loved ones.

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