рејтинг: 6.0/10
Оценка на корисникот: 8/10


The film is divided into two episodes, The Hair of Disgrace and The Magician, both focusing on the theme of the occult and beliefs.


Occhio malocchio prezzemolo e finocchio


Прегледано од hymie
сабота, 18 март 2023 01:25
This movie is simply excellent! Lino Banfi gives an outstanding performance as he plays an Italian businessman with some communication problems with his family. First things first, Altomare (Banfi - the main character) is a very superstitious man from southern Italy. He constantly fights against bad luck and strives not to get into trouble.

He's the typical average Italian man and the movie is nice because it shows the little contradictions of the average Italian family. One needs to... (Повеќе)
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