
Čierne na bielom koni

Čierne na bielom koni (2022)

Комедија | Словачка
Режисер: Rasťo Boroš

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 6.0/10


Eight chapters about why be wary of those who hand you a pen and tell you that all you've got to do is sign. And about how sudden love can muddle what is essentially comfortable life of usurers, and how far can go otherwise reasonable people when overcome by pride. Finally, about the truth that a hero is the one who does not fear death even when the last hope dies. A romantic "almost drama" with no shooting, so that criminals can stop and listen to their conscience. A movie in which blood is only spilled because women worth dying for don't know the difference between kissing and biting. Because love always hurts a bit. Particularly when it's love for money.


Čierne na bielom koni


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