

Renée (2011)

Режисер: Eric Drath

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рејтинг: 6.8/10


During the 1970's, Dr. Richard Raskin was a respected surgeon and a nationally ranked professional tennis player. A Yale graduate, Raskin was married to a Ford model and with whom he had recently had a son. In 1976, Raskin underwent permanent, life-altering surgery. Dr. Raskin was no longer - enter Dr. Renee Richards. The Life and Times of Dr. Renee Richards is a documentary that highlights the issues of the modern transgender life with Dr. Richards at the center. Since her time in the tennis spotlight, she has been a hero, villain, roll model and all around controversial figure. With more than 30 hours shot the documentary is a work in progress. Tennis greats are coming out to talk about Dr. Richards and what she meant to the game, including Martina Navratilova, Jimmy Connors. Footage includes US Open tennis coverage, family members including Renee's son, sister and former wife.


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