
Pecados conyugales

Pecados conyugales (1969)

Комедија | Шпанија
Режисер: José María Forqué

рејтинг: 4.6/10


Film consisting of three episodes. The first, "Doubt": Sofia, early summer, young and beautiful, always choose a dog that matches their outfits and a lover that matches them. It is up to Ricardo, a playboy who is not known for their intelligence. The second, "Ambition" Amparo and Vincent are married. She is ambitious and wants her husband to be important and famous. To discover a process that infallible: that her husband will be burnt in the street bonzo. The third, "Jealousy" Manolo and Eulogio are friends and colleagues. For certain indications Eulogio think your wife is cheating on him with Gregory and advised by Manolo, he decides to wash his honor.


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