
Los secretos de La Roja. Campeones del Mundo

Los secretos de La Roja – Campeones del mundo (2020)

Документарец | Шпанија
Режисер: Eulogio Romero

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рејтинг: 7.5/10


On the 11th July 2010, Spain’s national team reached its goal of winning the World Cup, a victory that was felt by the team and nation as a whole. Despite this successful ending, “La Roja” had to overcome various struggles and difficulties in order to become legendary. The team arrived in South Africa with the triumph of the 2008 European Football Championship under their belt and Vicente del Bosque leading the way. There was a general feeling of favoritism attributed to ""La Roja"" and while the defeat against Switzerland in the first match came as a shock, it motivated Del Bosque and his team to come together and focus on one intention: good football; and one goal: to make history.


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