
La vacanza

La vacanza (2019)

Драма | Италија
Режисер: Enrico Iannaccone

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 5.8/10


An upcoming film directed by Enrico Iannaccone. Valerio (Antonio Folletto) is a thirty year old man who leads a self-destructive life. The still beautiful Carla (Catherine Spaak) is an ex-magistrate, who begins to show the first signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's. Contrary to Valerio she has an overwhelming desire to live. These two tormented souls become friends and together they find the strength to confront the pains and secrets of their past. They are both related to a mysterious woman, Anneke (Veruschka von Lehndorff ). This is a journey of two people who are so different and yet so similar, sharing their most painful emotions. It will lead them to the discovery of a new way of loving.


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