
Entre rojas

Entre rojas (1995)

Драма | Шпанија
Режисер: Azucena Rodríguez

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рејтинг: 5.6/10


Madrid, 1974. Former women's jail of Yeserias. Lucia, a girl well situated in society, is condemned to spend ten years in jail due to her relation with a politic militant against Franco's dictatorship. While being in prison she lives with every kind of woman: intelectuals, killers, illiterates, ... All of them must share food, living space, joys and pities; joined by the same fate, lack of freedom, they will have to fight together against desperation. Lucia is willing o live, to learn form that world the fate has given to her where, on the contrary to what she imagines, tenderness and laugh exist. And also the complicity and solidarity of some women living an experience which will mark them for ever.


Entre rojas


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