
La Tour 2 Contrôle Infernale

La Tour 2 Contrôle Infernale (2016)

Комедија | Белгија
Режисер: Eric Judor

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 4.2/10


Ernest Krakenkrick and Bachir Bouzouk are about to become pilots in the French army. But after the bad consequences of a test undertaken with the centrifuge, they are forced to give up their dream. They are eventually given the position of baggage handler at Orly-West Airport in Paris. But one night, there is a hostage-taking in the airport and the "Moustachious", a group of terrorists, take hold of the control tower.


La Tour 2 Contrôle Infernale


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