
Back to those days

Powrót do tamtych dni (2021)

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Режисер: Konrad Aksinowicz

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 7.2/10
Оценка на корисникот: 8/10


Tomek lives alone with his mother, because his father, Alek, left for the USA with money. Unexpectedly, the man shows up at home with a bunch of presents, but does not explain the reason for his return. Everyone seems happy, but there is something disturbing in the air. As time goes on, Alek is struggling with a strong alcohol addiction, which gradually destroys Tomek's family and his childhood. The boy has to grow up very quickly and face a reality unwritten by any child.


Back to those daysBack to those days


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