
Stephen Fry embarks on a fascinating journey to discover the stories behind some of the world's most fantastic beasts. By digging for dragons, meeting distant relatives of the unicorn or swimming with an unlikely inspiration for mermaids, Stephen uncovers the secrets behind some of the best-loved mythical creatures, and reveals the real-life beasts that have inspired some of the greatest legends in history, from rhinos to narwhals, vervet monkeys to manatees.


Fantastic Beasts: A Natural HistoryFantastic Beasts: A Natural HistoryFantastic Beasts: A Natural HistoryFantastic Beasts: A Natural HistoryFantastic Beasts: A Natural HistoryFantastic Beasts: A Natural HistoryFantastic Beasts: A Natural HistoryFantastic Beasts: A Natural HistoryFantastic Beasts: A Natural HistoryFantastic Beasts: A Natural HistoryFantastic Beasts: A Natural HistoryFantastic Beasts: A Natural HistoryFantastic Beasts: A Natural HistoryFantastic Beasts: A Natural HistoryFantastic Beasts: A Natural HistoryFantastic Beasts: A Natural History


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