
Lonely Hearts

Samotni sartza (2007)

Комедија | Бугарија
Режисер: Valentin Goshev

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 7.0/10


Tractor driver Georgi Avramov is a bachelor who lives in a village together with his ailing mother and his sister Zorka. The dream of his life is to get married. And that is why he takes part in a Lonely Hearts TV show. Dozens of women send him letters but they never reach him because the postman, Mite the Post, never delivers them. When Savina arrives in the village pretending to be a candidate bride, Georgi hastily gets engaged to her without so much as thinking of the consequences. Soon after the engagement Georgi remains empty handed, cheated and robbed, but then he finds a new, true love - someone who has been right beside him all the time.


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