рејтинг: 7.6/10
Оценка на корисникот: 10/10
(19 гласови)


This is the true story of the National Hero of Albanians, George Kastrioti Scanderbeg, from his birth to his death. 1405-1468. Based mainly upon the monk writer Marin Barleti, the movie starts off with how the boy Scanderbeg was taken hostage by the ottoman turks and trained from them until he became one of the most outstanding warriors of the Ottoman Empire, then later returned home to his country to organized the oppressed Albanians into a fierce and heroic resistance for over 30 years. After converting from Islam to Christianity (the religion of ancestors) he managed to keep the greatest empire on earth at the time from invading Albania. His story is an inspiration to generations of Albanians, wherever they lived.


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