• Supernatural (2005)

    This television drama is about two brothers, Sam and Dean, who were raised by their father, John, to hunt and kill all things that go "bump in the night" after...
  • Dr. House (2004)

    Dr. Gregori Hauz, një mjek rebel sjellja e të cilit shkon në kufijte e shoqërores, sfidohet nga të panjohurat mjekesore përpara të cilave mjeket e tjere dorezohen.
  • Chesapeake Shores (2016)

    Abby O'Brien Winters returns to Chesapeake Shores when she receives a panicked phone call from her younger sister Jess, who has renovated the charming Inn at...
  • Lost (2004)

    After a mysterious and bloody airplane crash, 48 survivors are left stranded on a Pacific Island... miles off course. It soon becomes apparent that they will not...

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