
Freie Fahrt ins Glück

Freie Fahrt ins Glück (2007)

Komedi, Dramë, Romancë | Gjermani
Regjia: Ariane Zeller

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Vlerësimi: 3.8/10


After 35 years of marriage, the love between Karla and Werner is noticeably rusty. A tingling visit to the luxurious wellness hotel should get your emotional life going again. In fact, Karla feels reborn in the whirlpool and while meditating. But Werner only endures mud baths and bland diets because he is looking forward to the subsequent vacation in the motorhome, in...


Freie Fahrt ins GlückFreie Fahrt ins GlückFreie Fahrt ins GlückFreie Fahrt ins GlückFreie Fahrt ins GlückFreie Fahrt ins GlückFreie Fahrt ins GlückFreie Fahrt ins GlückFreie Fahrt ins GlückFreie Fahrt ins GlückFreie Fahrt ins GlückFreie Fahrt ins GlückFreie Fahrt ins GlückFreie Fahrt ins GlückFreie Fahrt ins Glück


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