
The Witness for the Prosecution

The Witness for the Prosecution (2016)

Dramë, Thriller, Krim, Mister | Mbretëria e Bashkuar, Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Epic Drama | 24.8.24 | 22:30

Vlerësimi: 7.0/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 7.7/10
(9 Voto)


Set in 1920s London, a brutal and bloodthirsty murder has stained the plush carpets of a handsome London townhouse. The victim is the glamorous and rich Emily French. All the evidence points to Leonard Vole, a young chancer to whom the heiress left her vast fortune and who ruthlessly took her life. At least, this is the story that Emily's dedicated housekeeper Janet McIntyre stands by in court. Leonard however, is adamant that his partner, the enigmatic chorus girl Romaine, can prove his innocence. Tasked with representing Leonard is his solicitor John Mayhew and King's Counsel, Sir Charles Carter KC.


The Witness for the ProsecutionThe Witness for the ProsecutionThe Witness for the ProsecutionThe Witness for the ProsecutionThe Witness for the ProsecutionThe Witness for the ProsecutionThe Witness for the ProsecutionThe Witness for the ProsecutionThe Witness for the ProsecutionThe Witness for the ProsecutionThe Witness for the ProsecutionThe Witness for the ProsecutionThe Witness for the ProsecutionThe Witness for the ProsecutionThe Witness for the Prosecution


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