
A Reasonable Man

A Reasonable Man (1999)

Krim, Dramë, Mister, Thriller | Afrika e Jugut, Francë
Regjia: Gavin Hood
Pink World Cinema | 29.9.24 | 15:00

Vlerësimi: 6.5/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 5.7/10
(3 Voto)


A Reasonable Man tells the story of a city lawyer who comes across the case of a herdboy from remote, rural Zululand who has killed a one-year-old baby in the mistaken belief that he was killing an evil spirit known throughout Southern Africa as the "Tikoloshe". Dark secrets which lie buried deep within the lawyer connect him to the boy. He takes the case and enters a world of African witchcraft and mysticism to discover the truth about the killing--and himself.


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