
Alive and Ticking

Ein Tick anders (2011)

Komedi, Dramë, Familjar | Gjermani

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Eva lives a happy life with her ​​father, an unsuccessful but always optimistic car salesman, her consumerist mother, and her quirky grandmother. But Eva is a tad different - she suffers from Tourette's syndrome. Her family has long been accustomed to her tics and the accompanying insults and bullying, and Eva has come to grips with her role as an outsider. When her father gets a job offer to work in Berlin, they must suddenly leave their familiar surroundings. But Eva won't have it, this move must be prevented - at any price!


Ska rishikime
  • The Truth (2019)

    Një bashkim i stuhishëm midis skenaristës Lumir me nënën e saj dhe poashtu aktoren e famshme, Fabienne, përgjatë lansimit të librit të saj autobiografik dhe rolit...

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