
Beauty and the Beast

Die Schöne und das Biest (2012)

Fantazi, Romancë, Familjar | Gjermani, Austri

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Vlerësimi: 6.1/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 1/10


There is only one way to break the spell which has turned the prince into a horrible beast: a beautiful girl has to fall in love with the creature. As time is running out, the beast abducts the girl Elsa and takes her prisoner. He puts all his efforts into charming the girl. Elsa does not accept her fate, and the beast is not at all a gentleman with fine manners. The transformative power of love, which frees Elsa of her feelings of guilt towards her parents and which returns the beast to his former humanity, is at the heart of the film. Aimed at a family audience, the film's eerie scenes are balanced with humor and poetry.


Beauty and the BeastBeauty and the BeastBeauty and the BeastBeauty and the BeastBeauty and the BeastBeauty and the BeastBeauty and the BeastBeauty and the BeastBeauty and the Beast


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