

Bidaai (1974)

Regjia: L.V. Prasad

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Vlerësimi: 6.5/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 10/10


After his business partner embezzles money and leaves him penniless, Parvati's husband passes away, leaving behind two sons, Prabhakar and Sudhakar, & a dumb daughter, Gauri, virtually on the verge of destitution, When Prabhakar grows up, he marries Pooja and moves out. Years pass by, Sudhakar has grown up, has managed to complete schooling, gets a job out of town and re-locates. He is summoned home when his sister kills himself as she is not permitted to marry Murli, who also kills himself. Then Sudhakar gets married to wealthy Padma and brings her home. Padma wants to be pampered and does not like playing second fiddle even to Parvati, which leads to disagreements in the household. Padma's pregnancy does not resolve any of the problems, and as a result the couple leave an ailing Parvati on her own and re-locate to Padma's palatial house in the city. Weeks turn into months, months turn into years, Parvati is all by herself - with the question remaining who will bid adieu (Bidaai) to her?


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